

Black holes really makes us feel fascinating , when it comes to space and universes. here we are explained about the most dangerous body ever existed in the universes.

Black holes are the perfectly black bodies in the universes and are known for their tremendous gravity and humongous mass which engulfs all the objects around itself and resulting in to an even more larger ones. Black holes possess so much gravity that even the light itself cannot able to pass from it and hence we observe that it appears black since it doesn't reflect even a small amount of light.



These bizarre objects known as black holes are primarily originated from the stars or Suns. Due to the ageing of the stars i.e due to the unavailability of the fuel in the sun's core the gravitational force inside the stars goes on increasing overcoming the nuclear energy produced by the stars resulting in the formation of black holes.

Lighter stars after death lead to the formation of super or hyper nova , Normal stars like sirius and other blue gas giants leads to the formation of the Neutron stars , Only heavier star's death causes the formation of the black hole.


Its not true that only gravitational collapse only forms a black hole , It is being said that black holes require large densities to form which is observed in the core of the sun. Such high densities can also be achieved at micro level , by collision of two particles travelling at very high speed. For this Purpose Large Hadron Collider was invented which allows the sub-atomic particles to collide at very high speed, which finally resulted into a formation of a micro black hole using some advanced calculations provided by Einstein's theory of relativity which also contributed to quantum mechanics a lot.


These black holes are present all over the universes and ruling the universe which will lead to the mystery that do the size of black holes increases? They possess tremendous amount of gravity which allows them to swallow every object in the universe. by sucking these objects black holes increases its size which sounds really weird. Additional matter such as gases and interstellar dust also contributes towards the growth of the black hole.


One cannot even think about that a black hole can even die which is formed by death of a star , but it is actually true , Legendary Scientists of modern era Stephen Hawking predicted that black hole is not completely black and emits small amount of radiation  in form photons and named as ' Hawking Radiation' . The amount of these radiation depends upon the size of black hole , smaller the size faster it will evaporate ,  Black hole sized as humans would easily evaporates in just a few nano seconds. Hawking radiations coming from far way are negligible and Very difficult to detect .

When a black hole is about to die or evaporate completely it emits large amount of hawking radiation for a few time, at the last stage of evaporation. It emits some burst of gamma rays too. Scientists are finding such flashes and been unsuccessful till date.


Black holes exist in every corner of the universe and found in different sizes and varying masses.
The largest known type is known as Super Massive Black Holes which are located at the center of every galaxy and also being the reason for the spiral shape of the galaxies.

These Super Massive Black Holes are very very large, almost billion times larger than our solar system . Saggitarius  A is the super massive Black hole at the center of  our Milky Way. Formation of these gigantic black holes are similar to the normal ones . The only thing is that it grows bigger and bigger as it engulfs matter and merges with other black holes. Numerous Stars and planets Rotates around these black holes which is a necessity to hold the matter in milky way.


The principal concept to know about black hole is the outer edge which is known as ' Event Horizon ' 
If one is away from the event horizon black hole is not at all dangerous to nay of the objects in space.
The radius of the black hole is called as schwarzschild radius. If any object is Crushed beyond its limits or its schwarzschild radius it can be converted in to a black hole. 


Black holes are one of the most mysterious objects in the universe and which makes it more fascinating. Everyone wants to know whats inside a black hole, which seems impossible till now. According to Einstein's theory of general relativity stated that a white hole should also exist which is a complementary  to black hole , which emits matter sucked by black hole. It is also stated that black holes and white holes are interconnected through a tunnel known as Worm Hole which can be used to travel in time may be the past or future. 

Some also claims that there is a another universe inside black hole , or a another dimension who knows what it be ......................


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